Monday, January 17, 2011

High Quality Blogs

With the internet becoming such a valuable part of every generations life, it’s no surprise that, “77% of Internet users read blogs” (Wilson, 2010). Blogs are an internet craze that’s caught on over the past few years because they’re a way for people to share their thoughts and opinions with the world. A blog is a website maintained by an individual who posts regular entries of commentary on news, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or videos. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs and websites. What distinguishes blogs from other websites that they’re interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and message one another (Wilson, 2010). The ability for readers to leave comments and interact with the writer and other users make this media outlet popular. Maintaining a successful blog requires an author create a blog with a purpose, design, high quality content and to write for an audience.  
Determining the purpose of a blog can be difficult, but narrowing in on the theme will draw in a loyal audience. A blog should have a common theme throughout all posts. For instance, some blogs post reviews about particular shows, or sports games, while other blogs might read like a diary of a person’s daily life. Christine Savage has created a blog that clearly defines a theme of communication through the spirit. Her work is impressive and each blog clearly follows this theme. By clearly depicting a certain purpose for the blog, the audience can predict that future entries will be similar. Knowing what the blog is about will have readers who enjoy the topic consistently returning which in turn becomes a loyal fan base.
Another factor that makes a blog stand out is its graphics and design. A blog has to be visually appealing, and yet simple enough that the content is readable. Jennifer Roby upbeat design, the pink stripes are simple and yet fun allowing the text to be the centerpiece of the blog. The light pink non transparent background behind the text ensures that the words are clearly legible. Make sure that the design including fonts, backgrounds, and graphics are all something that’s easy on the eye of the audience. To enhance the design think about adding graphics such as pictures and videos to help draw in the attention of the readers,
Running a successful blog also means ensuring that the content provided is entertaining to an audience. What is written needs to be credible. It’s important that if the blog includes information from outside sources that information is fact and not fiction. Ensuring information is not misinterpreted is important, because while blogs are not always protected by the concept of free speech. “The Internet has allowed tens of millions of Americans to be published writers. But it also has led to a surge in lawsuits from those who say they were hurt, defamed or threatened by what they read, according to groups that track media lawsuits. While bloggers may have a free-speech right to say what they want online, courts have found that they are not protected from being sued for their comments, even if they are posted anonymously” (Savage, 2010). Therefore, a blog that provides reliable information is the blog that’s not only safe but also a blog that maintains a loyal audience.
A blog specifically written for an audience needs to be full of personality. The author should be passionate about their blog and what they write. It is clear to the audience when the writer isn’t passionate. A writer has proven to be enthusiastic in his blog writing is Trevor Singleton, who writes about many topics and provided strong content for his readers. Another way to capture the audience is to ensure that the blog is unique in some way. Covering the same things a hundred other people are writing about will not gain a large audience. Lastly, it is important that a blog has a schedule. Posting a certain day of the week every week will allow the audience to predict when the next update will be and when to check back. This is a great way to gain a loyal audience.
There are several important factors such as purpose, design, content and audience should be considered when making a great blog that will stand out against the rest. “Credibility, authority, passion, personality, reliability, empathy, reality, uniqueness, timeliness, and membership,” (Wilson, 2010) are all qualities that a reader wants to see in a blog. A successful blog will have a theme or purpose that the author has chosen to write about. The design of a blog will also be a large contributing factor in whether or not the blog well perceived. A credible blog will gain respect and popularity. “Blogging is no fad, no phenomenon. It is revolutionary. It is changing the way we do business, interact with others, follow politics, participate in pastimes” (Wilson, 2010).

Jennifer Roby. (2011, January 10). Jennifer’s blog. Blog Spot. Retrieved January 10, 2011 from
Christine Savage.  (2011, January 10). All types of communication. Blog Spot. Retrieved January 10, 2011 from
David G Savage. (2010, August 22). Blogger beware: Postings draw suits :Online anonymity can vanish in litigation over Internet remarks. Chicago Tribune,p. 1.26.  Retrieved January 10, 2011, from Chicago Tribune. (Document ID: 2116422191).
Treva Singleton. (2011, January 10). Treva A.Y. Singleton. Blog Spot. Retrieved January 10, 2011 from
Wilson, C.. (2010, October). Web + log = Blog! The newest arm of the Fourth Estate. Dental Practice Management,5.  Retrieved January 10, 2011, from CBCA Complete. (Document ID: 2188817621).

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